Zilliqa: Using gossip to drain miner wallets

## Summary: Using a flaw in the gossip protocol, a malicious shard member can trick any other fellow shard member into signing an arbitrary message. One way this can be exploited is by creating a tran ...

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Enum4Linux-Ng – A Next Generation Version Of Enum4Linux (A Windows/Samba Enumeration Tool) With Additional Features Like JSON/YAML Export

[![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-W5l3sL1zTfc/X8XGnBYqMPI/AAAAAAAAUhc/Zcc1GATZITUeA6iKqaQ4XRBFJUHJ6uokACNcBGAsYHQ/w438-h640/enum4linux-ng_5_demo1.gif)]() enum4linux-ng.py is a rewrite of Mark Lowe's (fo ...

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OpenEDR – Open EDR Public Repository

[![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-02gmDwssX6I/X7NeUmSof6I/AAAAAAAAUZM/DsK-gF0mowYMB78XRA12uNh2Nj4ChbV-gCNcBGAsYHQ/w640-h142/openedr_1.jpeg)]() We at OpenEDR believe in creating a [cybersecurity]( "cyber ...

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openSUSE Security Update : icinga2 (openSUSE-2020-1820)

This update for icinga2 fixes the following issues : - Info that since version 2.12.0 following security issue is fixed: prepare-dirs script allows for symlink attack in the icinga user cont ...

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Security update for icinga2 (moderate)

An update that solves one vulnerability and has two fixes is now available. Description: This update for icinga2 fixes the following issues: - Info that since version 2.12.0 following securit ...

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QRadar RemoteJavaScript Deserialization

Post ContentRead More ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday September 2020: Zerologon and other exploits, RCEs in SharePoint and Exchange

I would like to start this post by talking about Microsoft vulnerabilities, which recently turned out to be much more serious than it seemed at first glance. ![](https://avleonov.com/wp-content/upload ...

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Triple-Threat Cryptocurrency RAT Mines, Steals and Harvests

A previously undocumented malware family called KryptoCibule is mounting a three-pronged cryptocurrency-related attack, while also deploying remote-access trojan (RAT) functionality to establish backd ...

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