Directus crashes on invalid WebSocket message

### Summary It seems that any Directus installation that has websockets enabled can be crashed if the websocket server receives an invalid frame. This could probably be posted as an issue and I might ...

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A flaw was found in Quarkus. This issue occurs when receiving a request over websocket with no role-based permission specified on the GraphQL operation, Quarkus processes the request without authentic ...

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Amazon Linux 2 : tomcat (ALASTOMCAT9-2023-008)

The version of tomcat installed on the remote host is prior to 9.0.73-1. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the ALAS2TOMCAT9-2023-008 advisory. - When Apache Tom ...

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Cybercriminals Using New ASMCrypt Malware Loader to Fly Under the Radar

[![ASMCrypt Malware Loader]()]() Threat actors are selling a new crypter and loader ca ...

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Exploit for Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in Eclipse Jetty

Eclipse Jetty Canonical Repository =============================...Read More ...

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Rocky Linux 8 : firefox (RLSA-2023:0288)

The remote Rocky Linux 8 host has packages installed that are affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the RLSA-2023:0288 advisory. An out of date library (libusrsctp) contained vulnera ...

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Directus crashes on invalid WebSocket message

### Summary It seems that any Directus installation that has websockets enabled can be crashed if the websocket server receives an invalid frame. This could probably be posted as an issue and I might ...

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A flaw was found in Quarkus. This issue occurs when receiving a request over websocket with no role-based permission specified on the GraphQL operation, Quarkus processes the request without authentic ...

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