Updated apache packages fix security vulnerabilities

Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading performance. (CVE-2024-36387) Encoding prob ...

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apache2 vulnerabilities

Marc Stern discovered that the Apache HTTP Server incorrectly handled serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over HTTP/2 connections. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause the server t ...

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Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading...Read More ...

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Apache HTTP Server vulnerabilities

Releases Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Packages apache2 - Apache HTTP server Details Marc Stern discovered that the Apache HTTP Server incorrectly handled servin ...

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(RHSA-2024:3666) Important: tomcat security and bug fix update

Apache Tomcat is a servlet container for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies. Security Fix(es): Apache Tomcat: HTTP/2 header handling DoS (CVE-2024-24549) Apache Tomcat: WebSo ...

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(RHSA-2024:3814) Important: tomcat security and bug fix update

Apache Tomcat is a servlet container for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies. Security Fix(es): Apache Tomcat: HTTP/2 header handling DoS (CVE-2024-24549) Apache Tomcat: WebSo ...

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Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading...Read More ...

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Apache 2.4.x < 2.4.60 Multiple Vulnerabilities

According to its banner, the version of Apache running on the remote host is 2.4.x prior to 2.4.60. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities: Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a ...

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