Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise

In response to the increasing frequency and evolution of nation-state cyberthreats, Microsoft is taking additional steps to protect our customers and increase the secure-by-default baseline of our clo ...

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Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise

In response to the increasing frequency and evolution of nation-state cyberthreats, Microsoft is taking additional steps to protect our customers and increase the secure-by-default baseline of our clo ...

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Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise

In response to the increasing frequency and evolution of nation-state cyberthreats, Microsoft is taking additional steps to protect our customers and increase the secure-by-default baseline of our clo ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth2 PKCE implementation is vu ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth2 PKCE implementation is vu ...

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Threat actors misuse OAuth applications to automate financially driven attacks

Threat actors are misusing OAuth applications as an automation tool in financially motivated attacks. OAuth is an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization that enables applicatio ...

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