Mattermost Open Redirect vulnerability

Mattermost fails to properly check a redirect URL parameter allowing for an open redirect was possible when the user clicked "Back to Mattermost" after providing a invalid custom ur ...

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Mattermost Open Redirect vulnerability

Mattermost fails to properly check a redirect URL parameter allowing for an open redirect was possible when the user clicked "Back to Mattermost" after providing a invalid custom ur ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth2 PKCE implementation is vu ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 state and OpenID Connec ...

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yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth2 PKCE implementation is vu ...

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