Description of the security update for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition: May 10, 2022 (KB5002194)

None ## Summary This security update resolves a Microsoft SharePoint Server remote code execution vulnerability. To learn more about the vulnerability, see [Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposu ...

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Description of the security update for SharePoint Server 2019: May 10, 2022 (KB5002207)

None ## Summary This security update resolves a Microsoft SharePoint Server remote code execution vulnerability. To learn more about the vulnerability, see [Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposu ...

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URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (‘Open Redirect’) in next-auth

### Impact We found that this vulnerability is present when the developer is implementing an OAuth 1 provider (by extension, it means Twitter, which is the only built-in provider using OAuth 1), but * ...

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