
A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in the 'oob' OAuth endpoint due to incorrect null-byte handling. This issue allows a malicious link to insert an arbitrary URI into a Key ...

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WP OAuth Server < 4.3.0 – Subscriber+ Arbitrary Client Deletion

The plugin has a flawed CSRF and authorisation check when deleting a client, which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to delete arbitrary client. ### PoC The PoC will be displayed ...

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WP OAuth Server < 4.3.0 – Subscriber+ Arbitrary Client Deletion

The plugin has a flawed CSRF and authorisation check when deleting a client, which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to delete arbitrary client.Read More ...

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WP OAuth Server < 4.2.5 – Arbitrary Post Deletion via CSRF

The plugin does not have CSRF check when deleting a client, and does not ensure that the object to be deleted is actually a client, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitra ...

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WP OAuth Server < 4.2.5 – Arbitrary Post Deletion via CSRF

The plugin does not have CSRF check when deleting a client, and does not ensure that the object to be deleted is actually a client, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitra ...

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Jenkins plugins Multiple Vulnerabilities (2023-01-24)

According to their self-reported version numbers, the version of Jenkins plugins running on the remote web server are affected by multiple vulnerabilities: - High Script Security Plugin provides a s ...

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Shocking Findings from the 2023 Third-Party App Access Report

[![Third-Party App]()]() Spoiler Alert: Organizations with 10,000 SaaS users that use ...

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Wordfence Intelligence CE Weekly Vulnerability Report (Feb 13, 2023 to Feb 19, 2023)

Wordfence has curated an industry leading vulnerability database with all known WordPress core, theme, and plugin vulnerabilities known as [Wordfence Intelligence Community Edition](). This database i ...

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