Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier stores the WSO2 Oauth client secret unencrypted in the global config.xml file on the Jenkins controller as part of its configuration. This client secret can b ...

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Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin stores WSO2 Oauth client secret unencrypted in global config.xml file on Jenkins controller

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier stores the WSO2 Oauth client secret unencrypted in the global config.xml file on the Jenkins controller as part of its configuration. This client secret can b ...

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Jenkins Enterprise and Operations Center 2.346.x < 2.346.40.0.15 Multiple Vulnerabilities (CloudBees Security Advisory 2023-04-12)

The version of Jenkins Enterprise or Jenkins Operations Center running on the remote web server is 2.346.x prior to 2.346.40.0.15. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities including the ...

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Authentication Bypass in @strapi/plugin-users-permissions

### Summary Strapi through 4.5.6 does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow when the AWS Cognito login provider is used for authentication. ### Details Strapi through 4.5.6 d ...

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Authentication Bypass in @strapi/plugin-users-permissions

### Summary Strapi through 4.5.6 does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow when the AWS Cognito login provider is used for authentication. ### Details Strapi through 4.5.6 d ...

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Uncovering (and Understanding) the Hidden Risks of SaaS Apps

[![]()]() Recent data breaches across CircleCI, LastPass, and Okta underscore a common ...

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Strapi through 4.5.5 does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow when the AWS Cognito login provider is used for authentication. A remote attacker could forge an ID token that ...

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Strapi does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow

Strapi 3.2.1 until 4.6.0 does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow when the AWS Cognito login provider is used for authentication. A remote attacker could forge an ID token ...

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