Possible user mocking that bypasses basic authentication

Impact next-auth applications prior to version 4.24.5 that rely on the default Middleware authorization are affected. A bad actor could create an empty/mock user, by getting hold of a NextAuth.js-issu ...

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Mattermost Open Redirect Vulnerability

Mattermost is an open source collaboration platform from Mattermost, Inc. in the United States. Mattermost suffers from an open redirect vulnerability that occurs when a user clicks "Back to ...

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Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise

Microsoft observed a surge in cyberattacks targeting identities in 2023, with attempted password-based attacks increasing by more than tenfold in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period ...

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Design Flaw in Google Workspace Could Let Attackers Gain Unauthorized Access

Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a "severe design flaw" in Google Workspace's domain-wide delegation (DWD) feature that could be exploited by threat actors to facilitate ...

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Scanning Danger: Unmasking the Threats of Quishing

Scanning Danger: Unmasking the Threats of Quishing By Shyava Tripathi, Raghav Kapoor and Rohan Shah · December 07, 2023 Phishing, a prevalent cybercrime worldwide, is responsible for as much as 90 p ...

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27 Malicious PyPI Packages with Thousands of Downloads Found Targeting IT Experts

An unknown threat actor has been observed publishing typosquat packages to the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository for nearly six months with an aim to deliver malware capable of gaining persistenc ...

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Possible user mocking that bypasses basic authentication

Impact next-auth applications prior to version 4.24.5 that rely on the default Middleware authorization are affected. A bad actor could create an empty/mock user, by getting hold of a NextAuth.js-issu ...

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A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Security legend Laura Spilca joins us to talk Spring Authorization Server and upgrading to Spring Boot 3

Hi, Spring fans! This week, my first as an employee of Broadcom, I am joined by Spring Security community legend Laura Spilca and we talk about all things security, OAuth, and...Read More ...

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