Security Bulletin: IBM Cloud Pak for Security includes components with multiple known vulnerabilities

## Summary IBM Cloud Pak for Security includes components with known vulnerabilities. These have been updated in the latest release and vulnerabilities have been addressed. Please follow the instructi ...

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New Vulnerability Found in the JsonWebToken Open-Source Project

Threat Level Vulnerability Report For a detailed threat advisory, download the pdf file here Summary A new high-severity vulnerability named CVE-2022-23529 has been discovered in the popular JsonWebTo ...

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This Week in Spring – January 9th, 2023

Hi, Spring fans! As I write this I'm on a plane winging my way to Helsinki, Finland. A new year and new journeys begin. It's going to be cold there. Wish me luck! Do you know what always warms me up? ...

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Critical Security Flaw Found in “jsonwebtoken” Library Used by 22,000+ Projects

[![high-severity security flaw]()]() A high-severity security flaw has been disclosed ...

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Timing Attack is vulnerable to Timing Attacks. A remote attacker is able to determine the expected hash-based message authentication code(HMAC) with a large enough number of requests over ...

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Use of Hard-coded Credentials

KubePi is a k8s panel. The jwt authentication function of KubePi through version 1.6.2 uses hard-coded Jwtsigkeys, resulting in the same Jwtsigkeys for all online projects. This means that an attacker ...

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KubePi allows malicious actor to login with a forged JWT token via Hardcoded Jwtsigkeys

### Summary The jwt authentication function of kubepi Read More ...

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JwtSigKey hardcoded causes the k8s cluster to take over

# Description The jwt authentication function of kubepi Read More ...

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