Evolution of API Security – A Practical Guide to Addressing API Threats in 2023

The kind of API security scenarios we witnessed today were never like this from the beginning of time. It has gone to extra lengths to become responsive and productive as it’s now. _How was it ...

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8 KB is not enough: why WAFs can’t protect APIs

WAFs were a top-notch security instrument a decade ago, but now they are not. They fail to protect APIs. Meanwhile, the number of API-specific vulnerabilities grew more than twofold in 2022. According ...

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Hyperledger: Remote denial of service in HyperLedger Fabric

How to reproduce 1.Bring up the test network.(https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/test_network.html#bring-up-the-test-network) 2.Run the PoC. ```bash go run poc.go -server= ...

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kubernetes security update

kubernetes [1.21.14-2] - Fixed kubernetes-cni version. [1.21.14-1] - Addresses CVE-2022-3172 olcne [1.4.8-2] - Updated Kubernetes package release version to 1.21.6-2 [1.4.8-1] - Upgraded kubernetes-1. ...

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kubernetes security update

kubernetes [1.21.14-2] - Fixed kubernetes-cni version. [1.21.14-1] - Addresses CVE-2022-3172 olcne [1.4.8-2] - Updated Kubernetes package release version to 1.21.6-2 [1.4.8-1] - Upgraded kubernetes-1. ...

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istio security update

istio [1.13.7-1] - Added Oracle specific files for 1.13.7-1 olcne [1.4.7-1] - Upgrade Istio from 1.13.5 to 1.13.7 to resolve the CVE-2022-31045 [1.4.6-2] - Fix bug in gen-certs-helper script to change ...

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istio security update

istio [1.13.7-1] - Added Oracle specific files for 1.13.7-1 olcne [1.4.7-1] - Upgrade Istio from 1.13.5 to 1.13.7 to resolve the CVE-2022-31045 [1.4.6-2] - Fix bug in gen-certs-helper script to change ...

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Integrating API Security and WAF into K8s Kong API Gateway

> _Article by Jiju Jacob, Director of Engineering at Revenera_ [_This is an update of Mr. Jacobs’ 05/23 post in his _[_Medium blog_]()_. He is a Director of Engineering at Revenera. _[_Revenera_]( ...

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