Subparse – Modular Malware Analysis Artifact Collection And Correlation Framework

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Researcher Uncovers Potential Wiretapping Bugs in Google Home Smart Speakers

[![Google Home Smart Speakers]()]() A security researcher was awarded a bug bounty of ...

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3Commas API Database Leaked by Anonymous Hacker

By [Deeba Ahmed]() 3Commas' CEO, Yuriy Sorokin, has acknowledged the breach. This is a post from Read the original post: [3Commas API Database Leaked by Anonymous Hacker]()Read More ...

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yaml package for Go can consume excessive amounts of CPU or memory

Parsing malicious or large YAML documents can consume excessive amounts of CPU or memory.Read More ...

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Incorrect Resource Transfer Between Spheres

Elrond-GO is a go implementation for the Elrond Network protocol. Versions prior to 1.3.50 are subject to a processing issue where nodes are affected when trying to process a cross-shard relayed trans ...

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usememos/memos Improper Access Control vulnerability

In usememos/memos 0.9.0 and prior, a user can view any content from private memos from other users via the API.Read More ...

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usememos/memos Improper Access Control vulnerability

In usememos/memos 0.9.0 and prior, a user can view any content from private memos from other users via the API.Read More ...

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usememos/memos makes Incorrect Use of Privileged APIs

In usememos/memos 0.9.0 and prior, a user with login permission can delete all notes of the whole application via `API DELETE$idnote`. The vulnerability will lose a ...

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