The problem is that most tools available today don't address modern threats or meet developer needs. This report highlights trends in Web app and API security protection among 500 companies worldwide ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
deepwatch MDR is a new managed detection and response service that provides early detection of cyber threats, guided response to help enterprises defend against cyber attacks, and measurably improves ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
It's not just for programmers, but it does assume that you have some knowledge of how computers work and what code is. If you don't know what an API or TCP/IP are, then this probably isn't the right b ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
tl;dr: I'm an operations person who wants to understand how my company can better secure our APIs. tl;dr: I'm a developer who is interested in learning the best practices for securing my code https:/ ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
API Security Testing: The Best Defense is a Good Offense The best way to ensure that your API security program is effective is through regular testing. This ensures that the right controls are in pla ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
Salt Security recommends organizations using Elastic Stack update their software with a patch released by the company on September 27, 2021. The Salt Labs research team will present its findings at Bl ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
So I made an extension that adds them to Firefox. The Problem: The New Google+ Interface Sucks Google recently redesigned their social network in order to make it more mobile-friendly and less c ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
The New Design Ive been using Google Calendar for years, and I really like it. It has all the features that I need to keep track of my life: events, reminders, recurring events (e.g., every other T ...
Continue ReadingOctober 07, 2021
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