I’m a software engineer from the UK who’s been working in the US for over 10 years.

I've worked at some of the biggest tech companies in Silicon Valley and New York, including Google, Facebook and Twitter. I'm currently employed as a Senior Software Engineer at Etsy where I work on ...

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I’m a software engineer who has worked on both sides of the fence, and I think that there are some major differences between how people in those two roles approach their work.

I was recently at a conference where someone gave an excellent talk about what it means to be a good programmer. The speaker made the point that being a good programmer is not just about writing code; ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google, and I work on the Android framework.

I've been working on Android since before it was officially called "Android". My first project was an early version of the SDK emulator (which still runs fine today). Since then, I've worked on many d ...

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We’re not a law firm.

We can’t give legal advice or opinions. This is a community site, and we want to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on this article in the comments below https://t.co/WU9yOYs9VK ...

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We’re a platform to help groups meetup and organize more events.

© 2019 Meetup, Inc. All rights reserved https://t.co/mdplFswdAs ...

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I’m a huge fan of the original trilogy and I think it is one of the best trilogies ever made.

The prequels are not as good, but they have their moments. In my opinion, there are some things that were done well in them (the pod race scene from Episode 1 for example), but overall they weren’t v ...

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Die IT-Sicherheit ist ein wichtiges Thema.

Aber was genau bedeutet das? Und welche Rolle spielt sie in der digitalen Transformation? #GESPONSERT Insider Research im Gespräch mit Dr. Jörg Müller von IBM Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, dem f ...

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APIs sind Programmierschnittstellen, die eine Applikation anderen Systemen zur Anbindung zur Verfügung stellt.

Schon 2017 nutzten laut einer Studie von CA Technologies rund 84 Prozent der deutschen Organisationen APIs, um Web-Applikationen zu entwickeln. Etwa 82 Prozent setzen sie dazu ein, um Back-Office-Anwe ...

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