I’m a software engineer who loves building things, and I want to help you build your own thing.

I have been programming since I was 12 years old. In that time, I have worked on everything from small personal projects to large enterprise systems at companies like Microsoft and Amazon. My passion ...

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Use parameterized statements, use prepared statements.

When handling input meant to be passed directly into the interpreter: Use strict mode for your language of choice (e.g. ES6 in NodeJS) and enable automatic type checking where possible (NodeJS has thi ...

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We use cookies to optimize your user experience, to analyze website traffic and to enable the use of certain social media features.

We also share information about your use of our site with Google Analytics https://t.co/nRoJ163DHN ...

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API security is the act of defending APIs from cyberattacks, exploitation, and misuse.

With effective API security measures in place, you can protect your business from hackers that want to intercept and exploit important data. Compared to internal-facing APIs, public-facing APIs are si ...

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I am the XSS Rat, an experienced ethical hacker who stands for quality and who believes knowledge is a building block we can all use to grow bigger than we ever were.

As a software test i have a unique skill set that centers around logic flaws and IDORs which i have not seen very much by other hunters. This gives me the advantage of finding less duplicates and max ...

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I’m not a fan of the new Facebook Messenger.

I have been using Facebook messenger for years now and I was pretty happy with it. It is simple, fast and easy to use. But then they decided to change things up by adding all these extra features that ...

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I’m not a fan of the new “re-imagined” Star Wars canon.

I have been a Star Wars fan since I was six years old, and it has always been my favorite movie franchise. It is one of those rare things that can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike; somethi ...

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I’m a huge fan of the original trilogy, but I think this one is going to be great

I'm a huge fan of the original trilogy, but I think this one is going to be great https://t.co/lWtyXZ0tY5 ...

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