API security testing tools are a critical part of any modern cybersecurity strategy.

They can help you discover and fix vulnerabilities in your APIs, as well as determine how many APIs you have and what they do https://t.co/6SCfeJxd63 ...

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The best way to get a job is through networking.

If you want to network, go to meetups and conferences. Go to them even if you don’t have anything specific in mind that you want out of it. Just go for the sake of going and talking with people about ...

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Application programming interfaces have become a favorite target for attackers.

These tools and platforms (both commercial and open source) will help identify errors, vulnerabilities, and excessive permissions https://t.co/XmWgy07tTe ...

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I’m a big fan of the new version of this classic.

I'll be buying it for my collection, and you should too! The original game was released in 1981 by Milton Bradley (MB) as part of their MB Gamemaster series. It's a 2-player game that plays well with ...

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CloudSEK researchers found that 13,000 apps were uploaded on BeVigil security search engine.

Around 250 of these apps used the Razorpay API for processing financial transactions. Around 10 (5%) of these apps exposed the payment integration key ID and key secret. The API key is a combination o ...

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The API keys are used to make payments.

The exposed API key ID and secret allows attackers to carry out transactions without the knowledge of the app owners. “This is a serious threat as it can be abused by anyone who gets access to this ...

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The API Security Checklist is a living document that will be updated on an ongoing basis.

If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below https://t.co/dzuPgVLpMg ...

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The API security testing tools and platforms mentioned here are just a few of the many available.

The important thing is to understand that APIs can be exploited, and that they need to be tested for vulnerabilities as part of your overall application security program https://t.co/MkLri8KX3Q ...

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