Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3091694

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

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Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

Continue Reading Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3091702

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

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Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

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Unsound API in `secp256k1` allows use-after-free and invalid deallocation from safe code

Because of incorrect bounds on method `Secp256k1::preallocated_gen_new` it was possible to cause use-after-free from safe consumer code. It was also possible to "free" memory not allocated by the appr ...

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Traefik may display authorization header in the debug logs

### Impact There is a potential vulnerability in Traefik displaying the Authorization header in its debug logs. Traefik uses [oxy]( to provide the following features: - ...

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This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will b ...

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This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will b ...

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