I’m a software developer who has been working with Go for the past year.

I’ve learned a lot about the language and ecosystem, but I still have more to learn. I started learning Go in early 2015. At that time, it was just another programming language on my list of things ...

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The survey data shows that API security is a top concern for organizations, and yet many are failing to address the problem.

The good news is there are steps you can take today to improve your organization's API security posture https://t.co/ErWKqouJHf ...

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I’m a software developer, and I like to build stuff.

I've been doing it for over 20 years now https://t.co/NicGZ7GNyH ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google, working on the Android team.

I also do some open source work and hack on my own stuff in my free time. I graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) and Mathematics (BMath). My interests in ...

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The average enterprise has over 1,000 APIs.

The majority of these APIs are not documented or monitored. Even worse, the vast majority of them have no security strategy in place to protect their API assets from cyber attacks and vulnerabilities. ...

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I’m not going to be able to make the deadline.

I’ll try my best, but it will probably take me a few more days than expected. I have been working on this for a while now and I am really excited about how it is turning out! It has taken longer tha ...

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If you think you have a handle on all of your APIs, and that they are safe behind the firewall, you might be failing at API security.

Lack of visibility into attack surface? If organizations lack awareness about their APIs, it is even more difficult to understand what attacks look like against them. The reality is that attacks can ...

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I’m a software engineer who loves to build things.

I like building products and services that are useful, usable, and fun. I enjoy working with small teams of people on projects where everyone is contributing their own unique skillset in order to cre ...

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