I’m a big fan of the new features in Angular 2, but I think it’s going to be a long time before we can use them for real-world applications.

Angular 1 is dead. Long live Angular 2! Or at least that's what Google wants us to believe. The first beta release of Angular 2 was announced just three months ago and already there are talks about ho ...

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The best way to get a job is to be the best candidate for that job.

The only way you can do that is by doing things outside of your comfort zone, and learning how to sell yourself in an interview https://t.co/MMEo90GVbW ...

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If you want to learn how to make a game, this is the best place.

I’ve been playing around with Unity for about two years now and I have learned so much from it. It has made me more confident in my ability to create games and has given me an understanding of what g ...

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HTTP is a half-duplex protocol, meaning that the client and server can only send data in one direction at any given time.

WebSockets: Full Duplex Communication Between Client & Server In contrast to HTTP’s “half duplex” communication model, WebSockets use their own protocol over TCP connections (which are full du ...

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I’m not a fan of the “no true Scotsman” fallacy, but I think it is an appropriate response to those who claim that Trump and his supporters are Nazis

I’m not a fan of the “no true Scotsman” fallacy, but I think it is an appropriate response to those who claim that Trump and his supporters are Nazis https://t.co/ad8fyABdYI ...

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You can’t protect what you don’t know about

You can't protect what you don't know about https://t.co/2ETlumHoeq ...

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WAFs don’t understand context, and they don’t detect logic-based attacks like authenti tl;dr: WAFs don’t understand context, and they don’t detect logic-based attacks like authentication bypasses.

They also can be circumvented by attackers who are able to use a proxy or VPN to hide their IP address. And WAFs aren’t good at detecting anomalies in traffic patterns that could indicate an attacker ...

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I’m not a fan of the new format.

I don’t like the fact that it is now “required reading,” and I feel like this was done to force people to read something they might not otherwise have chosen to read. It doesn’t make sense for me ...

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