This is a very long course that will take you from a beginner to an advanced level in API security.

The course is designed for software developers, testers and managers who want to learn how to build and break APIs as well as protect them with the best tools available. If you are interested in ethic ...

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API Security Testing Guide by The XSS Rat New Rating: 0.

0 out of 1 New Rating: 0 ...

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The API economy is growing rapidly, with companies like Houwzer Inc.

building out their real estate transaction businesses on APIs hosted in the cloud. But as they do so, they're also under attack from cyber criminals who want to intercept valuable data and money flowi ...

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The EO is a good start, but it’s not enough.

What Does the Biden Administration’s Cybersecurity Executive Order Mean for API Security ...

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The API security problem is getting worse.

Security concerns are the top inhibitor to innovation. WAFs and API gateways miss most attacks ...

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Yes, absolutely.

Many organizations don’t have security practitioners as part of their developer cycle, and developers are not being trained on how to secure APIs. In the past few years, we have seen many high-profi ...

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API security is a business problem, not an IT problem.

Read the full report here: https://ow ...

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I have a unique skill set that centers around logic flaws and IDORs which i have not seen very much by other hunters.

This gives me the advantage of finding less duplicates and maximising my chance of finding a vulnerability by picking the correct target and applying the correct test strategy. This course is for you ...

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