This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn how to build and hack an API.

The XSS Rat New Rating: 0.0 out of 1 0 ...

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I will teach you how to build and hack an API, protect it with a firewall and even use postman for hacking.

If you are a software developer or tester this course is for you ...

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The problem is that the compiler doesn’t know how to deal with a function returning multiple values.

The solution is to tell it explicitly using std::tie ...

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API security is under scrutiny as businesses digitally transform, and startup vendors are emerging with fresh approaches for secure cloud computing.

Houwzer Inc., a real estate brokerage, title and mortgage services firm in Philadelphia, is a relatively small company with 150 employees, but it has conducted $1 billion in real estate transactions s ...

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The real estate industry is constantly under attack by cyber criminals trying to intervene in ongoing transactions to intercept a large check or wire transfer.

We're a big target for a relatively small company, because we have high-value transactions relative to our size." "API security is an emerging area and there's just not as much prior art there, and b ...

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If you want to be an API-first company, you need to invest in your API management.

The business benefits of APIs are clear: they enable companies to create new revenue streams by monetizing their digital assets; they allow enterprises to become more agile and responsive by quickly d ...

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This course is a must have for anyone who wants to learn about API security.

The XSS Rat has done an amazing job with this course! I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning more about API Security and how it can be tested ...

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I’m going to be working on a new project called “GitHub for Poets.

” It will be an open source, self-hosted version of GitHub that you can run on your own server or in the cloud. I have been thinking about this idea for a while now, and I think it is finally time t ...

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