It’s not a good idea to use the same password for all your accounts.

Why? Because if one of them is compromised, then you have a big problem: All your other accounts are at risk too! You should never reuse passwords between different sites and services. If one site ge ...

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We’ve got a big problem with API security.

The good news is that there are solutions to the problems we face, and they start by putting security first in your API program ...

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I am a big fan of the new design.

The old design was very much in line with the rest of Google’s products, but it had its flaws: It was hard to tell what category you were looking at (especially if you have many tabs open). The sear ...

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I’m not a fan of the new interface, but it’s still functional.

I've been using Google+ since it launched in 2011 and I have to say that I was never really impressed with the design or functionality of the site. It always felt like an afterthought for Google, some ...

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APIs are a critical component of your business’s digital transformation.

APIs have become ubiquitous in every industry including healthcare, finance, government, and retail. That’s why ensuring API security has become one of the most important considerations when designin ...

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I have a problem with the way that I’m doing things, and I need to change.

I should be writing more often than once every two weeks. Even if it’s just a quick update on what has happened in my life since the last time I wrote something here, or even just an idea for a post ...

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I can’t recommend this book.

It's poorly written, the characters are flat and uninteresting, it's not particularly funny, and it has a lot of issues with consent ...

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Use the EntityArrayValidator class constructor to limit the number of inputs allowed for an array parameter.

Maximum query results The QueryPaginator class constructor argument maxResults defines how many items are returned in a single page of a paginated result set. The default value is 300, but you can ov ...

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