Use the EntityArrayValidator class constructor to limit the number of inputs allowed for an array parameter.

Maximum query results The QueryPaginator class constructor argument maxResults defines how many items are returned in a single page of a paginated result set. The default value is 300, but you can ov ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google.

I work on the Chrome team, where I focus on web security and privacy. Before that, I worked on Android apps for Google Play (now called "Google Play Store"). Before joining Google in 2011, I was an A ...

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I’m a big fan of this product and I think it will be great for anyone who is looking to get into the world of bullet journaling

I’m a big fan of this product and I think it will be great for anyone who is looking to get into the world of bullet journaling ...

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CORS is a safe way to relax the same-origin policy (SOP).

It allows servers to explicitly specify the list of origins that are allowed to access its resources via the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Access-Control-Allow-Origin should be configured to onl ...

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Any user could read the financial records of any customer Any user could delete any customer’s accounts in the system Any user could take over any account (including high-value accounts) The organization was vulnerable to a denial-of-service condition that would render entire applications unavailable, and we were able to exploit this vulnerability

Any user could read the financial records of any customer Any user could delete any customer’s accounts in the system Any user could take over any account (including high-value accounts) The organ ...

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I’m the founder of API Fortress, a company that helps companies secure their APIs.

I've been working on this problem for over 15 years and have seen it all ...

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The podcast is a production of ITSPmagazine.

com and is published every week on Tuesday ...

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If you want to use a custom domain, just add it in your DNS settings.

If you're using the free plan, then you can't change the subdomain of your site (it's ""). If that's not okay with you, then Strikingly offers paid plans starting at $9/month wh ...

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