API keys are passwords, so treat them as such.

3. Monitor API Activity for Unauthorized Access and Abuse Even the most secure APIs can be vulnerable to unauthorized access if they aren’t monitored for suspicious activity. For example, an attacke ...

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– I’m a software engineer in NYC.

- I like to write code, and have been doing it for over 20 years. - I also like to teach people how to do it better https://t.co/UWsoKoOKac ...

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The best way to get your money back is to contact the seller.

If you can't reach them, file a dispute with PayPal and wait for their decision. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below https://t.co/eZEtb4Njng ...

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I’m a software developer and I’ve been working on the same project for more than 10 years.

It's a large codebase, with many different people contributing to it over time. The original author is long gone, but we have his commit history in git. We also have some bug reports from users that a ...

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If you are a developer, and want to make your application accessible to everyone, please follow the guidelines below.

If you are not a developer but would like to help improve accessibility of applications on Linux desktops, please share this article with developers in your community. Linux desktop environments shou ...

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Traceable AI is a free API security solution for everyone.

It provides visibility into your APIs, insights into your risk, and protection from active threats https://t.co/fRXVCDdCin ...

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I’ve been working on a project to make it easier to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

The goal is to provide an easy way for users without any knowledge of how the blockchain works, or even what smart contracts are, to create and deploy them. I'm calling this project "Ethereum Contract ...

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I’ve been working on a project to make it easier for people to use the Rust programming language.

It’s called rustup, and you can get it at https://rustup.rs/. Rust is an open source systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. If you h ...

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