If you are a small business owner, or someone who is considering starting a small business, I highly recommend reading this book.

If you’re interested in purchasing the book, click here to buy it on Amazon https://t.co/8SvE5bNF0b ...

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I’m a big fan of the new look, and I think it will be a great improvement for both users and developers.

What do you think https://t.co/fiPlTf74oI ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google, working on the Chrome team.

I also do open source work as part of the WebAssembly community. I have previously worked at Mozilla and Microsoft on Firefox and Edge respectively. My name is Luke Wagner, but you can call me lukewg ...

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The best way to get a job is by being the most qualified candidate.

The second best way is by having a friend in high places who can pull some strings for you https://t.co/WkWSHZCpQs ...

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The world is a dangerous place.

It's not always easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Sometimes, it's hard to tell who you should be rooting for. And sometimes, you have no choice but to pick a side and hope for the best htt ...

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We were able to access the data of thousands of customers in a matter of minutes.

We’ve notified Microsoft and they have fixed the vulnerability, but we wanted to share our findings with you so that you can protect yourself from similar attacks. The full technical details will be ...

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I’m a software engineer, and I’ve been working on the new version of Reddit.

com in my spare time for over two years now. It's finally ready to show off! Check it out at redditmade.com I've always loved the idea of making things with code: websites, games, tools... anything t ...

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We’re hiring! We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join our team.

This is an excellent opportunity to work with the best and brightest in the API security space. If you want to make a difference, this is your chance. We offer competitive compensation and benefits, i ...

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