
A verb used in Orion was vulnerable to SQL Injection, an authenticated attacker could leverage this for privilege escalation or remote code execution.Read More ...

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Insufficient sanitization of inputs in QoE application input field could lead to stored and Dom based XSS attack. This issue is fixed and released in SolarWinds Platform (2022.3.0).Read More ...

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Recursive rendering of Mustache template helpers containing user input could, in some cases, result in an XSS risk or a page failing to load.Read More ...

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The H5P activity attempts report did not filter by groups, which in separate groups mode could reveal information to non-editing teachers about attempts/users in groups they should not have access to. ...

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A remote code execution risk when restoring backup files originating from Moodle 1.9 was identified.Read More ...

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A limited SQL injection risk was identified in the "browse list of users" site administration page.Read More ...

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Gridea version 0.9.3 allows an external attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on any client attempting to view a malicious markdown file through Gridea. This is possible because the application ...

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AppLock version 7.9.29 allows an attacker with physical access to the device to bypass biometric authentication. This is possible because the application did not correctly implement fingerprint valida ...

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