Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3516846

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

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Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

Continue Reading Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3516854

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

Continue Reading Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3516857

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

Continue Reading Cross Site Scripting vulnerability OBB-3516862

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the **[ISO 29147]()** standard, Open Bug Bounty has: a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence; b. not ...

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Microsoft Bug Allowed Hackers to Breach Over Two Dozen Organizations via Forged Azure AD Tokens

[![Microsoft]()]() Microsoft on Friday said a validation error in its source code allo ...

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Microsoft Bug Allowed Hackers to Breach Over Two Dozen Organizations via Forged Azure AD Tokens

[![Microsoft]()]() Microsoft on Friday said a validation error in its source code allo ...

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PNP4Nagios through 81ebfc5 lacks CSRF protection in the AJAX controller. This affects 0.6.26.Read More ...

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