Argo CD’s API server does not enforce project sourceNamespaces

Impact I can convince the UI to let me do things with an invalid Application. 1. Admin gives me p, michael, applications, *, demo/*, allow, where demo can just deploy to the demo namespace 2. Admin gives me AppProject dev which reconciles from ns dev-apps 3. Admin gives me p, michael, applications, sync, dev/*, allow, i.e. no updating via the UI allowed, gitops-only 4. I create an Application called pwn in dev-apps with project dev and sync the app with sources from git 5. I change the Application’s project to demo via kubectl or gitops (whichever mechanism my admins have given me, because it should be safe) 6. I use the UI to edit the resource which should only be mutable via gitops Patches A patch for this vulnerability has been released in the following Argo CD versions: v2.10.7 v2.9.12 v2.8.16 For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: Open an issue in the Argo CD issue tracker or discussions Join us on Slack in channel #argo-cd Credits This vulnerability was found & reported by @crenshaw-dev (Michael Crenshaw) The Argo team would like to thank these contributors for their responsible disclosure and constructive communications during the resolve of this…Read More

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