Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! And what a week it's going to be! Do this first: we need your help! Please answer some questions in our State of Spring survey! Join me for a look at the latest-and-greatest, chronicling how I got started with Spring Boot in 2024! Spring AI 0.8.1, with new support for Google's Gemini, Mistral AI, QDrant vector store, and improvements across the board, has been released!. Also: it should work with AOT! (let us know if it doesn't!) Cristian Schuszter sat down with me for a discussion about CERN, what they do, their use of Java and Spring Boot, and so much more in this installment of A Bootiful Podcast. Speaking of Spring AI, just last week they announced easy, portable support for function callbacks. In last week's installment of Spring Tips, I concluded my three-part series looking at the Spring Authorization Server. I did an article for the New Stack called We Can Have Nice Things: Upgrading to Java 21 is worth it. Netflix's Paul Bakker has shared a very interesting blog looking at Netflix's motivations for migrating en masse to Java 21 and their incredible gains just by leveraging the new garbage collectors. I was captivated by this blog that I invited Paul and his colleague Kavitha Srinivasan to join me for a good discussion and demo on not just the garbage collector usage, but their migration to Spring Boot, their use of Java 21, some of the things they're doing to improve startup time, and of…Read More
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