FreeBSD : NodeJS — Vulnerabilities (77a6f1c9-d7d2-11ee-bb12-001b217b3468)

The version of FreeBSD installed on the remote host is prior to tested version. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the 77a6f1c9-d7d2-11ee-bb12-001b217b3468 advisory. The Node.js Permission Model does not clarify in the documentation that wildcards should be only used as the last character of a file path. For example: –allow-fs-read=/home/node/.ssh/*.pub will ignore pub and give access to everything after .ssh/. This misleading documentation affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js. (CVE-2024-21890) Node.js depends on multiple built-in utility functions to normalize paths provided to node:fs functions, which can be overwitten with user-defined implementations leading to filesystem permission model bypass through path traversal attack. This vulnerability affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js. (CVE-2024-21891) On Linux, Node.js ignores certain environment variables if those may have been set by an unprivileged user while the process is running with elevated privileges with the only exception of CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE. Due to a bug in the implementation of this exception, Node.js…Read More

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