CRUD VS REST Explained

In the digital creation field, particularly web building, there exists two phrases that often become a riddle for neophytes and even seasoned coders: CRUD and REST. These pair of notions form the bedrock of knowledge in comprehending how information is tweaked and relayed across the World Wide Web. This pioneering chapter is intended to dispel the haze around these phrases by offering a lucid, to-the-point elucidation of their meaning and operation. CRUD is an abbreviation that encompasses the words Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This quartet of procedures forms the linchpin of any application fueled by data. These represent the elementary interactions that one can perform on any record inside a database. Here's a straightforward deconstruction of CRUD procedures: Create: This procedure concerns the generation of fresh data and its subsequent addition to the database. In the language of coding, imagine a function which saves a new user in a user database. def generate_user(name, email): fresh_user = User(name=name, email=email) db.session.append(fresh_user) db.session.finalize() Read: This procedure fetches data from the database. Picture a function that procures a user's specifics from the database. def fetch_user(user_id): user = User.query.reach(user_id) return user Update: This procedure tweaks existing data within the database. As an example, envision a function that refreshes a user's email id. def refresh_user_email(user_id,…Read More

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