(RHSA-2023:4664) Important: OpenShift Virtualization 4.13.3 Images security and bug fix update

OpenShift Virtualization is Red Hat’s virtualization solution designed for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

This advisory contains OpenShift Virtualization 4.13.3 images.

Security Fix(es):

* openshift: OCP & FIPS mode (CVE-2023-3089)

* golang: html/template: improper handling of JavaScript whitespace (CVE-2023-24540)

* net/http, golang.org/x/net/http2: avoid quadratic complexity in HPACK decoding (CVE-2022-41723)

* golang: net/http, net/textproto: denial of service from excessive memory allocation (CVE-2023-24534)

* golang: net/http, net/textproto, mime/multipart: denial of service from excessive resource consumption (CVE-2023-24536)

* golang: go/parser: Infinite loop in parsing (CVE-2023-24537)

* golang: html/template: backticks not treated as string delimiters (CVE-2023-24538)

* golang: html/template: improper sanitization of CSS values (CVE-2023-24539)

* golang: html/template: improper handling of empty HTML attributes (CVE-2023-29400)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Bug Fix(es):

* Consistency in naming mediatedDevicesTypes and nodemediatedDeviceTypes (BZ#2054863)

* “failed to sync guest time” log spam in destination virt-launcher pod during VM live migration (BZ#2064160)

* Missing documentation for snapshot recording rules (BZ#2143165)

* KubevirtHyperconvergedClusterOperatorCRModification alert in firing state during cnv upgrade (4.11.2->4.12.0) (BZ#2154319)

* VMExport: can’t download a PVC that was created from DV on NFS (when there’s no VM that owns this PVC) – the storage doesn’t support fsGroup (BZ#2156525)

* Unable to do post-copy migration (BZ#2164836)

* empty libvirt metrics output, when executing metrics Prometheus query on a vm that is paused status (BZ#2172544)

* The filter items on instanceType page is not horizontal aligned (BZ#2174744)

* “No NetworkAttachmentDefinitions available” should not show when editing pod networking (BZ#2175651)

* CNV 4.13 nightly | manually increasing the number of virt-api pods does not work (BZ#2175710)

* The volume in instanceTypes page should be selected automatically just after it’s been added (BZ#2177977)

* PVC size is not readable while selecting “PVC (creates PVC)” in disk modal (BZ#2180666)

* “Copy SSH command” get undefined user (BZ#2180719)

* [Nonpriv] VM Memory does not show in details card of overview or details tab (BZ#2181432)

* spec.firmware.bootloader is not copied while cloning a UEFI VM (BZ#2181515)

* kubevirt-plugin (now kubevirt-console-plugin) ignores node placement configuration (BZ#2181999)

* VM metrics graphs are render incorrectly (BZ#2182000)

* Restore VM’s pretty names (BZ#2182317)

* Cannot clone VM to other namespace if the VM is created from instanceType (BZ#2182938)

* “No data available” shows on Virtualization overview metrics chart (BZ#2183915)

* Some CNV installation components are missing required labels (BZ#2187509)

* Custom SELinux policy for virt_launcher still present on CNV with DisableCustomSELinuxPolicy feature gate enabled (BZ#2188144)

* VM created from CD source registry cannot be started due to InvalidImageName (BZ#2189744)

* lun cannot be used with DVs (BZ#2190171)

* [4.13.z] Missing virtctl vmexport download manifests command (BZ#2203727)

* [4.13]Missing StorageProfile defaults for IBM and AWS EFS CSI provisioners (BZ#2220844)

* [cnv-4.13] isolateEmulatorThread should not block live migration (BZ#2229148)Read More

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