VX-API – Collection Of Various Malicious Functionality To Aid In Malware Development


The VX-API is a collection of malicious functionality to aid in [malware]( “malware” ) development. It is recommended you clone and/or download this entire repo then open the Visual Studio solution file to easily explore functionality and concepts.

Some functions may be dependent on other functions present within the solution file. Using the solution file provided here will make it easier to identify which other functionality and/or header data is required.

You’re free to use this in any manner you please. You do not need to use this entire solution for your malware proof-of-concepts or [Red Team]( “Red Team” ) engagements. Strip, copy, paste, delete, or edit this projects contents as much as you’d like.

# List of features

## Anti-debug

Function Name | Original Author
AdfCloseHandleOnInvalidAddress | Checkpoint Research
AdfIsCreateProcessDebugEventCodeSet | Checkpoint Research
AdfOpenProcessOnCsrss | Checkpoint Research
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent2 | ReactOS
IsDebuggerPresentEx | smelly__vx
IsIntelHardwareBreakpointPresent | Checkpoint Research

## Cryptography Related

Function Name | Original Author
HashStringDjb2 | Dan Bernstein
HashStringFowlerNollVoVariant1a | Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Kiem-Phong Vo
HashStringJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit | Bob Jenkins
HashStringLoseLose | Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
HashStringRotr32 | T. Oshiba (1972)
HashStringSdbm | Ozan Yigit
HashStringSuperFastHash | Paul Hsieh
HashStringUnknownGenericHash1A | Unknown
HashStringSipHash | RistBS
HashStringMurmur | RistBS
CreateMd5HashFromFilePath | Microsoft
CreatePseudoRandomInteger | Apple (c) 1999
CreatePseudoRandomString | smelly__vx
HashFileByMsiFileHashTable | smelly__vx
CreatePseudoRandomIntegerFromNtdll | smelly__vx
LzMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
LzMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
LzStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
LzStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressHuffMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressHuffMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressHuffStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressHuffStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx
XpressStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx
ExtractFilesFromCabIntoTarget | smelly__vx

## Error Handling

Function Name | Original Author
GetLastErrorFromTeb | smelly__vx
GetLastNtStatusFromTeb | smelly__vx
RtlNtStatusToDosErrorViaImport | ReactOS
GetLastErrorFromTeb | smelly__vx
SetLastErrorInTeb | smelly__vx
SetLastNtStatusInTeb | smelly__vx
Win32FromHResult | Raymond Chen

## Evasion

Function Name | Original Author
AmsiBypassViaPatternScan | ZeroMemoryEx
DelayedExecutionExecuteOnDisplayOff | am0nsec and smelly__vx
HookEngineRestoreHeapFree | rad9800
MasqueradePebAsExplorer | smelly__vx
RemoveDllFromPeb | rad9800
RemoveRegisterDllNotification | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith
SleepObfuscationViaVirtualProtect | 5pider
RtlSetBaseUnicodeCommandLine | TheWover

## Fingerprinting

Function Name | Original Author
GetCurrentLocaleFromTeb | 3xp0rt
GetNumberOfLinkedDlls | smelly__vx
GetOsBuildNumberFromPeb | smelly__vx
GetOsMajorVersionFromPeb | smelly__vx
GetOsMinorVersionFromPeb | smelly__vx
GetOsPlatformIdFromPeb | smelly__vx
IsNvidiaGraphicsCardPresent | smelly__vx
IsProcessRunning | smelly__vx
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin | Vimal Shekar
GetPidFromNtQuerySystemInformation | smelly__vx
GetPidFromWindowsTerminalService | modexp
GetPidFromWmiComInterface | aalimian and modexp
GetPidFromEnumProcesses | smelly__vx
GetPidFromPidBruteForcing | modexp
GetPidFromNtQueryFileInformation | modexp, Lloyd Davies, Jonas Lyk
GetPidFromPidBruteForcingExW | smelly__vx, LLoyd Davies, Jonas Lyk, modexp

## Helper Functions

Function Name | Original Author
CreateLocalAppDataObjectPath | smelly__vx
CreateWindowsObjectPath | smelly__vx
GetCurrentDirectoryFromUserProcessParameters | smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessIdFromTeb | ReactOS
GetCurrentUserSid | Giovanni Dicanio
GetCurrentWindowTextFromUserProcessParameter | smelly__vx
GetFileSizeFromPath | smelly__vx
GetProcessHeapFromTeb | smelly__vx
GetProcessPathFromLoaderLoadModule | smelly__vx
GetProcessPathFromUserProcessParameters | smelly__vx
GetSystemWindowsDirectory | Geoff Chappell
IsPathValid | smelly__vx
RecursiveFindFile | Luke
SetProcessPrivilegeToken | Microsoft
IsDllLoaded | smelly__vx
TryLoadDllMultiMethod | smelly__vx
CreateThreadAndWaitForCompletion | smelly__vx
GetProcessBinaryNameFromHwndW | smelly__vx
GetByteArrayFromFile | smelly__vx
Ex_GetHandleOnDeviceHttpCommunication | x86matthew
IsRegistryKeyValid | smelly__vx
FastcallExecuteBinaryShellExecuteEx | smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessIdFromOffset | RistBS
GetPeBaseAddress | smelly__vx
LdrLoadGetProcedureAddress | c5pider
IsPeSection | smelly__vx
AddSectionToPeFile | smelly__vx
WriteDataToPeSection | smelly__vx
GetPeSectionSizeInByte | smelly__vx
ReadDataFromPeSection | smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessNoForward | ReactOS
GetCurrentThreadNoForward | ReactOS

## Library Loading

Function Name | Original Author
GetKUserSharedData | Geoff Chappell
GetModuleHandleEx2 | smelly__vx
GetPeb | 29a
GetPebFromTeb | ReactOS
GetProcAddress | 29a Volume 2, c5pider
GetProcAddressDjb2 | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressFowlerNollVoVariant1a | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressLoseLose | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressRotr32 | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSdbm | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSuperFastHash | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressUnknownGenericHash1 | smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSipHash | RistBS
GetProcAddressMurmur | RistBS
GetRtlUserProcessParameters | ReactOS
GetTeb | ReactOS
RtlLoadPeHeaders | smelly__vx
ProxyWorkItemLoadLibrary | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith
ProxyRegisterWaitLoadLibrary | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith

## Lsass Dumping

Function Name | Original Author
MpfGetLsaPidFromServiceManager | modexp
MpfGetLsaPidFromRegistry | modexp
MpfGetLsaPidFromNamedPipe | modexp

## Network Connectivity

Function Name | Original Author
UrlDownloadToFileSynchronous | Hans Passant
ConvertIPv4IpAddressStructureToString | smelly__vx
ConvertIPv4StringToUnsignedLong | smelly__vx
SendIcmpEchoMessageToIPv4Host | smelly__vx
ConvertIPv4IpAddressUnsignedLongToString | smelly__vx
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressAsString | smelly__vx
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressUnsignedLong | smelly__vx
GetDomainNameFromUnsignedLongIPV4Address | smelly__vx
GetDomainNameFromIPV4AddressAsString | smelly__vx

## Other

Function Name | Original Author
OleGetClipboardData | Microsoft
MpfComVssDeleteShadowVolumeBackups | am0nsec
MpfComModifyShortcutTarget | Unknown
MpfComMonitorChromeSessionOnce | smelly__vx
MpfExtractMaliciousPayloadFromZipFileNoPassword | Codu

## Process Creation

Function Name | Original Author
CreateProcessFromIHxHelpPaneServer | James Forshaw
CreateProcessFromIHxInteractiveUser | James Forshaw
CreateProcessFromIShellDispatchInvoke | Mohamed Fakroud
CreateProcessFromShellExecuteInExplorerProcess | Microsoft
CreateProcessViaNtCreateUserProcess | CaptMeelo
CreateProcessWithCfGuard | smelly__vx and Adam Chester
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKey | smelly__vx
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKeyEx | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSetupCommand | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab2 | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromIeFrameOpenUrl | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromPcwUtil | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromShdocVwOpenUrl | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromShell32ShellExecRun | smelly__vx
MpfExecute64bitPeBinaryInMemoryFromByteArrayNoReloc | aaaddress1
CreateProcessFromWmiWin32_ProcessW | CIA
CreateProcessFromZipfldrRouteCall | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromUrlFileProtocolHandler | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromUrlOpenUrl | smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromMsHTMLW | smelly__vx

## Process Injection

Function Name | Original Author
MpfPiControlInjection | SafeBreach Labs
MpfPiQueueUserAPCViaAtomBomb | SafeBreach Labs
MpfPiWriteProcessMemoryCreateRemoteThread | SafeBreach Labs
MpfProcessInjectionViaProcessReflection | Deep Instinct

## Proxied Functions

Function Name | Original Author
IeCreateFile | smelly__vx
CopyFileViaSetupCopyFile | smelly__vx
CreateFileFromDsCopyFromSharedFile | Jonas Lyk
DeleteDirectoryAndSubDataViaDelNode | smelly__vx
DeleteFileWithCreateFileFlag | smelly__vx
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin2 | smelly__vx
IeCreateDirectory | smelly__vx
IeDeleteFile | smelly__vx
IeFindFirstFile | smelly__vx
IEGetFileAttributesEx | smelly__vx
IeMoveFileEx | smelly__vx
IeRemoveDirectory | smelly__vx

## Shellcode Execution

Function Name | Original Author
MpfSceViaImmEnumInputContext | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCertFindChainInStore | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEnumPropsExW | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCreateThreadpoolWait | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCryptEnumOIDInfo | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaDSA_EnumCallback | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCreateTimerQueueTimer | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEvtSubscribe | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaFlsAlloc | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaInitOnceExecuteOnce | alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEnumChildWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCDefFolderMenu_Create2 | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStore | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStoreLocation | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDateFormatsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDirTreeW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDisplayMonitors | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumFontFamiliesExW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumFontsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumLanguageGroupLocalesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumObjects | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumResourceTypesExW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemCodePagesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemGeoID | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLanguageGroupsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLocalesEx | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumThreadWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumTimeFormatsEx | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumUILanguagesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumWindowStationsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumerateLoadedModules64 | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaK32EnumPageFilesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumPwrSchemes | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaMessageBoxIndirectW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaChooseColorW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaClusWorkerCreate | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaSymEnumProcesses | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaImageGetDigestStream | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaVerifierEnumerateResource | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaSymEnumSourceFiles | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h

## String Manipulation

Function Name | Original Author
ByteArrayToCharArray | smelly__vx
CharArrayToByteArray | smelly__vx
ShlwapiCharStringToWCharString | smelly__vx
ShlwapiWCharStringToCharString | smelly__vx
CharStringToWCharString | smelly__vx
WCharStringToCharString | smelly__vx
RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString | ReactOS
RtlInitUnicodeString | ReactOS
CaplockString | simonc
CopyMemoryEx | ReactOS
SecureStringCopy | Apple (c) 1999
StringCompare | Apple (c) 1999
StringConcat | Apple (c) 1999
StringCopy | Apple (c) 1999
StringFindSubstring | Apple (c) 1999
StringLength | Apple (c) 1999
StringLocateChar | Apple (c) 1999
StringRemoveSubstring | smelly__vx
StringTerminateStringAtChar | smelly__vx
StringToken | Apple (c) 1999
ZeroMemoryEx | ReactOS
ConvertCharacterStringToIntegerUsingNtdll | smelly__vx
MemoryFindMemory | KamilCuk

## UAC Bypass

Function Name | Original Author
UacBypassFodHelperMethod | winscripting.blog

## Rad98 [Hooking]( “Hooking” ) Engine

Function Name | Original Author
InitHardwareBreakpointEngine | rad98
ShutdownHardwareBreakpointEngine | rad98
ExceptionHandlerCallbackRoutine | rad98
SetHardwareBreakpoint | rad98
InsertDescriptorEntry | rad98
RemoveDescriptorEntry | rad98
SnapshotInsertHardwareBreakpointHookIntoTargetThread | rad98

## Generic Shellcode

Function Name | Original Author
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxA | SafeBreach Labs
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxAEbFbLoop | SafeBreach Labs
GenericShellcodeOpenCalcExitThread | MsfVenom

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