This Week in Spring – May 30th, 2023

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _This Week in Spring_! This installment I write on the day of my daughter’s High School graduation, an auspicious day indeed! There’s a lot to get through this week, though, and I have a graduation to get to, so let’s dive right in!

* [Spring Authorization Server is on Spring Initializr!]() This is my favorite technical news of the week, by far! I loved it so much that I even invited its author, Steve Riesenberg, on my little show. He and I (well, mostly him) did an _awesome_ live demo setting up an Authorization Server, a Resource server, and OAuth OIDC client with login support. We did it all from scratch using Spring Boot 3.1, too! [Check this out]()!
* [Spring Cloud 2022.0.3 (aka Kilburn) Is Available]()
* [A Bootiful Podcast: Java Developer Advocate Billy Korando on the latest and greatest in Java]()
* [Spring Shell 2.1.10, 3.0.4 and 3.1.0 are now available]()
* [Unleash Spring apps in a flex environment with Azure Spring Apps Consumption and Dedicated plans]()
* [Configuring Gradle Tasks in Spring Boot 3]()
* [Securing Spring Boot API With API Key and Secret]()
* [Spring Boot Actuator Without Spring Boot]()
* [Spring Security Kerberos 2.0.0-RC2 available now]()
* Our friends at Axon did a profile on me. You might like it: [Spring and Axon with Josh Long]()
* [Write Console Output to Text File in Java]()
* Hey Taiwan, I’ll be at the Taipei JUG on July 16th! [偉康科技 x TWJUG Bootiful Spring Boot 3 免費技術小聚,Java 大神駕到]()
* [Harness the power of Azure Spring Apps! Experience flexibility with Consumption and Dedicated plans. Tailor the perfect profile for every app, seamlessly mix and match, and al]()
* [Looking to pick up your first programming language? Why not Java?]()Read More

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