This Week in Spring – March 21st, 2023

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another rip roaring installment of _This Week in Spring_! It’s March 21st and today they announced Java 20! It’s an exciting time to be a Java developer. Java 20, of course, is just another amazing installment before Java 21, which comes out in six short months, including Project Loom. And, of course, Spring Framework looks set to provide integrations with it [in Spring Framework 6.1](). It’s an amazing time to be a Java and Spring Boot developer!

* In my latest installment of Spring Tips, I look [Vaadin Flow and Spring Boot 3]()
* I did a video introducing Spring Boot 3 for the fine folks over at Jetbrains a few weeks ago. People seem to love it. [Maybe you will too?]()
* In the comments for this video, a viewer from Columbia asked me to do a video introducing Spring Webflux and I remembered I’ve done a ton of videos on reactive programming with Spring Boot, [including this one, that people seemed to like from 2019]()
* [I wrote a (free) book! Register there and you can download my 50 or so page long book on GraalVM native images with Spring Boot 3’s brand new AOT engine]()
* [Add support for ZGC on HotSpot · Issue #5050 · oracle/graal]()
* [Building an API Hub with Spring Boot, Kotlin and Orbital]()
* I was joined by Spring Integration lead Artem Bilan [for this fun discussion ]() on all things new and novel in Spring Integration 6.0
* [Configuring Spring Cloud FeignClient URL]()
* [How to configure Redis TTL with Spring Data Redis?]()
* [Is it Time to go Back to the Monolith?]()
* [JEP draft: Virtual Threads]() Project Loom is targeted for Java 21! Huzzah!
* I wrote a blog that looks at [Kotlin DSLs in the world of Springdom]()
* [New CRUD Repository Interfaces in Spring Data 3]()
* This looks to be a nice Japanese-language presentation introducing Spring Boot 3.0 from a user [Spring Boot 3.0へのアップデートのハマり所 / Findings in Migrating our Application to Spring Boot 3.0]()
* [Spring Boot — Power of Value Objects – DEV Community]()
* [Spring Data JPA introduces query parser!]()
* [Spring Framework 5.2.23 fixes cve-2023-20861]()
* [Spring Framework 6.0.7 and 5.3.26 fix cve-2023-20860 and cve-2023-20861]()
* [Spring Modulithで始めるモジュラモノリス開発]()
* [Spring Tools 4.18.0 released]()
* [Spring for GraphQL 1.0.4 and 1.1.3 released]()
* [The best way to use Spring Data query methods]()
* [UUID vs. Sequential ID as Primary Key]()
* [want to learn to program Java? This looks interesting!]()Read More

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