This Week in Spring – December 20th, 2022


Hi, Spring fans! It’s the 20th of December, 2022 as I write this, which means that by the time we meet again, here on this humble blog, Tuesday next week, Christmas will already have come and gone. Chanukah is already here! Time is sure flying! So, to those of you who celebrate: Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

There’s arguably nothing better than the gift of knowledge, so let’s dive right into this week’s roundup:

* [A Bootiful Podcast: Microsoft’s Brian Benz on the state of Java, Microsoft, Azure, and so much more]()
* [Spring Framework 6.0.3 available now]()
* [Spring Security 6.0.1, 5.8.1, 5.7.6 and 5.6.10 available now]()
* [Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.1.0 available now]()
* [Spring for GraphQL 1.1.1 released]()
* [Fixing the No Main Manifest Attribute in Spring Boot]()
* Oracle has a nice post: [Go Native with Spring Boot 3 and GraalVM]()
* Baeldung has an interesting tutorial on [Pinpoint](), which looks to be a large APM suite with some interesting capabilities.
* [Stream Large Byte[] to File With WebClient]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: Alpha API For Dynamic Resource Allocation]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: Device Manager graduates to GA]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: Introducing Validating Admission Policies]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: Non-Graceful Node Shutdown Moves to Beta]()
* [Running Multiple Thread Groups in JMeter]()
* [Extract Values using AssertJ in Java]()
* Interesting, and well worth bookmarking: how to [build a statically linked or mostly-statically linked native executable with GraalVM]()Read More

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