Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _This Week in Spring_! We’ve got a lot of good stuff to get to so let’s dive right into it!
* [A Bootiful Podcast: Hashicorp’s Rosemary Wang on securing the intersection of apps and ops with Hashicorp Vault]()
* a nice video by my colleague Dan Vega: [Spring Security JWT]()
* I also loved Dan’s video on [Spring Security without the `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` ]()
* [Dispatching Queries in Axon Framework]()
* [Guide to Find the Java .class Version]()
* [Spring Cloud 2021.0.4 (codename Jubilee) Has Been Released]()
* [Static Fields and Garbage Collection]()
* [Blog: Announcing the Auto-refreshing Official Kubernetes CVE Feed]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.25: KMS V2 Improvements]()
* [Blog: Kubernetess IPTables Chains Are Not API]()
* this is an interesting post looking at how to [use JUnit with Spring Boot](). The only thing I didn’t quite understand is why the author declares Mockito explicitly. I’m _pretty_ sure it’s brought in transitively in `spring-boot-starter-test`, but either way: good post!Read More
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