This Week in Spring – August 16th, 2022

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another wonder-filled installment of _This Week in Spring_! It’s been a week! Sometimes I can scarcely believe it myself. And can you believe it’s August 16th already?? My daughter’s starting school this week! We’re in the northern hemisphere, and Summer break is already over and done with for her. There’s still another month and some change of summer, officially, though. So, I hope you all are doing whatever you can to maximize your enjoyment of it before the darker and colder months arrive.

Twitter helps me pass the time. I’ve been working on some code and wanted to use Twitter’s OAuth 2 and PKCE support in the application but couldn’t quite make it work. So I pinged my pal (everybody’s pal, really!) and Spring Security [lead Rob Winch (`@rob_winch`)]() for some clues, and he did me one better: he put together a sample that [demonstrates it all in action]()! Thanks, Rob! I love Spring Security and a huge reason is because of the amazing and helpful and indulgent team behind it. And I love Twitter (most of the time, anyway).

It’s been a busy week on Twitter for me! On it, [I asked what people are using for their observability stacks on Kubernetes](), figured out that [for my 25+ years in writing software, I don’t know _anything_](), and so much more! And here, you silly reader you, you’ve probably been happy being all productive in your off-Twitter life, haven’t ya? Well, let me tell you: you’re missing out!

Or, and I can’t stress this enough, you’re _probably_ not. That’s probably true, too. So, carry on.

And we _shall_ carry on, too. After all, we’ve got one heckuva roundup this week! So, without further ado…

* the new release of Gradle Enterprise, 2022.3, is packed with [some cool features](). Congrats, Gradle team!
* In last week’s episode of the podcast, I talked with my friend, [the good Dr. Venkat Subramaniam]()
* [Apache SkyWalking looks to be an interesting, end-to-end observability stack, and they have a good Spring integration story, as well]()
* [Blog: Enhancing Kubernetes one KEP at a Time]()
* [Dependency Injection with Spring Boot annotations]()
* [Don’t call it a comeback: Why Java is still champ]()
* [Elastic Search with Spring Boot]()
* [Executing Multiple Commands in Docker Compose]()
* [Introduction of JBoss Drools in Spring Boot]()
* Check out the exciting new work in the JHipster Native generator (`jhipster/generator-jhipster-native`) that makes building a [Spring Native- and GraalVM-powered JHipster application a breeze: v1.3.0]()
* [Spring Boot: What is Multi Request Mapping]()
* [Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.9.5 Released]()
* [Spring Data MongoDB – Configure Connection]()
* [Spring Tools 4.15.3 released]()
* [Spring Web Flow 3.0 M1 Released]()
* This is an oldie-but-a-goodie in that it’s a talk I did more than half a decade ago, but that showcased a ton of things that were then common at the time. If you’re among the hordes of folks who’ve come to the Spring Boot community recently, this _might_ be interesting. There are two dimensions of interest to me here: how much things have improved and how much some things stay the same. Enjoy! [_The Bootiful Application_]()
* [VMware’s Inspirational Women in Open Source: Spotlight on Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, who is a legendary part of the Spring Cloud team]()Read More

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