Attackers are increasingly leveraging Internet Information Services (IIS) extensions as covert backdoors into servers, which hide deep in target environments and provide a durable persistence mechanism for attackers. While prior research has been published on specific incidents and variants, little is generally known about how attackers leverage the IIS platform as a backdoor.
Malicious IIS extensions are less frequently encountered in attacks against servers, with attackers often only using script [web shells]() as the first stage payload. This leads to a relatively lower detection rate for malicious IIS extensions compared to script web shells. IIS backdoors are also harder to detect since they mostly reside in the same directories as legitimate modules used by target applications, and they follow the same code structure as clean modules. In most cases, the actual backdoor logic is minimal and cannot be considered malicious without a broader understanding of how legitimate IIS extensions work, which also makes it difficult to determine the source of infection.
Typically, attackers first exploit a critical vulnerability in the hosted application for initial access before dropping a script web shell as the first stage payload. At a later point in time, the attackers then install an IIS backdoor to provide highly covert and persistent access to the server. Attackers can also install customized IIS modules to fit their purposes, as we observed in a campaign targeting Exchange servers between January and May 2022, as well as in our prior research on the custom IIS backdoors [ScriptModule.dll]() and [App_Web_logoimagehandler.ashx.b6031896.dll](). Once registered with the target application, the backdoor can monitor incoming and outgoing requests and perform additional tasks, such as running remote commands or dumping credentials in the background as the user authenticates to the web application.
As we expect attackers to continue to increasingly leverage IIS backdoors, its vital that incident responders understand the basics of how these attacks function to successfully identify and defend against them. Organizations can further improve their defenses with [Microsoft 365 Defender](), whose protection capabilities are informed by research like this and our unique visibility into server attacks and compromise. With critical protection features like [threat and vulnerability management]() and antivirus capabilities, Microsoft 365 Defender provides organizations with a comprehensive solution that coordinates protection across domains, spanning email, identities, cloud, and endpoints.
In this blog post, we detail how IIS extensions work and provide insight into how they are being leveraged by attackers as backdoors. We also share some of our observations on the IIS threat landscape over the last year to help defenders identify and protect against this threat and prepare the larger security community for any increased sophistication. More specifically, the blog covers the following topics:
* Understanding IIS extensions
* Attack flow using a custom IIS backdoor
* Command runs
* Credential access
* Remote access
* Exfiltration
* Types of IIS backdoors
* Web shell-based variants
* Open-source variants
* IIS handlers
* Credential stealers
* Improving defenses against server compromise
## Understanding IIS extensions
IIS is a flexible, general purpose web server that has been a core part of the Windows platform for many years now. As an easy-to-manage, modular, and extensible platform for hosting websites, services, and applications, IIS serves critical business logic for numerous organizations. The modular architecture of IIS allows users to extend and customize web servers according to their needs. These extensions can be in the form of native (C/C++) and managed (C#, VB.NET) code structures, with the latter being our focus on this blog post. The extensions can further be categorized as modules and handlers.
The IIS pipeline is a series of extensible objects that are initiated by the ASP.NET runtime to process a request. IIS modules and handlers are .NET components that serve as the main points of extensibility in the pipeline. Each request is processed by multiple IIS modules before being processed by a single IIS handler. Like a set of building blocks, modules and handlers are added to provide the desired functionality for the target application. In addition, handlers can be configured to respond to specific attributes in the request such a URL, file extension, and HTTP method. For example, _Aspnet_isapi.dll _is a pre-configured IIS handler for common _.aspx_ extensions.
### Creating custom managed IIS modules
To create a managed IIS module, the code must implement the _IHttpModule_ interface. The _IHttpModule_ interface has two methods with the following signatures: _Init() _and_ Dispose()_.
![Graphical user interface, text, application
](×229.png)_Figure 1. IIS module skeleton_
Inside _Init()_, the module can synchronize with any number of [HTTP events available]() in the request pipeline, listed here in sequential order:
* BeginRequest
* AuthenticateRequest
* AuthorizeRequest
* ResolveRequestCache
* AcquireRequestState
* PreRequestHandlerExecute
* PostRequestHandlerExecute
* ReleaseRequestState
* UpdateRequestCache
* EndRequest
* PreSendRequestHeaders
* PreSendRequestContent
The newly created extension should then be mapped with the target application to complete the registration. Generally, there are several methods that can be used to [map managed modules]() for legitimate purposes. On the other hand, we observed that attackers used the following techniques to register malicious IIS extensions during attacks:
**Register with global assembly cache (GAC) PowerShell API:** Every device with Common Language Runtime (CLR) hosts a device-wide cache called the global assembly cache (GAC). The GAC stores assemblies specifically designated to be shared by several applications on the device. _GacInstall()_ is a PowerShell API to add modules into the global cache. Once installed, the module is available under the path _%windir%Microsoft.NETassembly _and is mapped to IIS (_w3wp.exe_) using _appcmd.exe_.
![Text of attacker’s command](×129.png)_Figure 2. Attacker command using the GAC PowerShell API_
**Register using _appcmd.exe_: **_Appcmd.exe_ is the single command line tool for managing IIS. All critical aspects, such as adding or removing modules and handlers, can be performed using the utility. In this case, the attackers drop the malicious extension in the target applications _/bin_ folder and map it using the _add module_ command.
![Text of attacker’s command](×76.png)_Figure 3. Attacker command using appcmd.exe_
**Register using _gacutil.exe_: **_Gacutil.exe_ is a Visual Studio shipped .NET GAC utility. The tool allows the user to view and manipulate the contents of the GAC, including installing new modules using the _-I_ option.
![Text of attacker’s command](×61.png)_Figure 4. Attacker command using gacutil.exe_
**Register using _web.config_:** After dropping the module in the applications _/bin_ folder, attackers can also edit the _web.config_ of the target application or the global config file, _applicationHost.config_, to register the module.
![Text of attacker’s command](×114.png)_Figure 5. Malicious web.config entry_
Upon successful registration, the module is visible inside the IIS manager application.
![IIS manager app with installed module](×253.png)_Figure 6. Installed module visible in the list_
## Attack flow using a custom IIS backdoor
Between January and May 2022, our IIS-related detections picked up an interesting campaign targeting Microsoft Exchange servers. Web shells were dropped in the path _%ExchangeInstallPath%FrontEndHttpProxyowaauth _via [ProxyShell exploit]().
After a period of doing reconnaissance, dumping credentials, and establishing a remote access method, the attackers installed a custom IIS backdoor called _FinanceSvcModel.dll _in the folder _C:inetpubwwwrootbin_. The backdoor had built-in capability to perform Exchange management operations, such as enumerating installed mailbox accounts and exporting mailboxes for exfiltration, as detailed below.
### Command runs
_PowerShDLL_ toolkit, an open-source project to run PowerShell without invoking _powershell.exe,_ was used to run remote commands. The attacker avoided invoking common living-off-the-land binaries (LOLBins), such as _cmd.exe_ or _powershell.exe_ in the context of the Exchange application pool (_MSExchangeOWAAppPool_) to evade related detection logic.
![Attacker’s command via PowerShDLL toolkit](×62.png)_Figure 7. Using PowerShDLL to run remote commands_
### Credential access
The attackers enabled WDigest registry settings, which forced the system to use WDigest protocol for authentication, resulting in _lsass.exe_ retaining a copy of the users plaintext password in memory. This change allowed the attackers to steal the actual password, not just the hash. Later, Mimikatz was run to dump local credentials and perform a [DCSYNC]() attack.
![Attacker command to steal user’s password](×66.png)_Figure 8. Mimikatz usage_
### Remote access
The attackers used _plink.exe_, a command-line connection tool like SSH. The tool allowed the attackers to bypass network restrictions and remotely access the server through tunneled RDP traffic.
![Attacker command to bypass network restrictions](×117.png)_Figure 9. Bypassing network restrictions_
### Exfiltration
The attacker invoked the IIS backdoor by sending a crafted _POST_ request with a cookie _EX_TOKEN_. The module extracts the cookie value and initiates a mailbox export request with the supplied filter.
![Attacker’s POST request](×152.png)_Figure 10. Attacker-generated POST request_
The value decodes to: **_ep,06/21/2022,06/21/2022,C:WindowsWeb,Administrator_**, where _ep_ is the command to initiate the mailbox export request with filters determining the start and end dates followed by the export path. The final command has the following syntax:
![Attacker’s mailbox export request](×116.png)_Figure 11. Attacker-generated mailbox export request_ ![Code snippet](×463.png)_ Figure 12. Mailbox export code snippet_
The table below details all the commands found in the backdoor:
**Command**| **Description**
_test_| Attempts to load Exchange Management Shell (EMS)- _Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.SnapIn_
_box_| List all _UserPrincipalNames-_ _foreach ($name in Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited){ Write-Output $name.UserPrincipalName}_
_ep_| Run _New-MailboxExportRequest_ cmdlet with supplied mailbox name, start and end date, and export path as filters.
_gep_| Get the task ID associated with the export request
_ruh_| Tamper with Exchange logs
## Types of IIS backdoors
Reviewing the malicious managed (.NET) IIS extensions observed over the past year, we grouped these extensions based on various factors such as similar capabilities and sources of origin, as further detailed in the below sections.
### Web shell-based variants
[Web shells]() like China Chopper have been widely used in numerous targeted attacks. As China Choppers usage increased over the years, so did the detections. As a result, the attackers evolved and added IIS module-based versions of these web shells that maintain the same functionality. The module uses the same _eval()_ technique thats used in the script version for running the code. While most antivirus solutions would detect the one-liner web shell, such as _< %@page language=js%><%eval(request.item(<password>),”unsafe”);%>_, embedding the same code in an IIS module generates lower detection rates.
In the module version, the attacker-initiated _POST_ request contains the code along with the arguments in parameters _z1_ and _z2_, like the script-based version.
![China Chopper code snippet](×92.png)_Figure 13. China chopper IIS module – version 1_ ![Attacker’s POST request](×82.png)_Figure 14. Attacker generated POST data – version 1_
In a different version, the module has the backdoor logic hardcoded inside the DLL and only waits for parameters _z1 and z2_. The parameter _kfaero_ has the command exposed as sequential alphabets from A-Q.
![China Chopper code snippet](×171.png)_Figure 15. China chopper IIS module – version 2_
Like the script version, the IIS module has similar capabilities, such as listing and creating directories, downloading and uploading files, running queries using SQL adaptors, and running commands. To run commands, the attacker-initiated _POST_ request contains the command _M_ along with the arguments.
![Attacker’s POST request](×43.png)_Figure 16. An example of an attacker generated POST data version 2_
Antsword is another popular web shell widely used in various targeted attacks. Custom IIS modules inspired from the web shells code have been observed in the wild, which include similar architecture and capabilities. Interesting new features of these malicious modules include fileless execution of C# code and remote access via TCP socket connection.
![Antsword module code snippet](×278.png)_Figure 17. Antsword IIS module code snippet_
Based on the request, the module can take one of the two code paths. In case of _/server-status_, a socket connection is initiated from values in the custom header _Lhposzrp_.
**Command**| **Description**
_FSoaij7_03Ip3QuzbIhvuilKIsoM9a48DTkvQKdwtKNA_| Socket connection
_8CDztbQb4fsQeU5AAuBs9OmRokoyFJ7F5Z_| Close connection
_31FKvk8VDcqZMA3iAq3944wjg_| Send data
_TU_LDzOsv_| Receive data
For any other URL, the module follows a China Chopper-style architecture of commands, ranging from _A_ through _R_. The additional _R_ command allows the attackers to run C# code reflectively.
![Command to invoke code reflectively](×313.png)_Figure 18. Command R to invoke code reflectively_
### Open-source variants
GitHub projects on creating backdoors for IIS have been available for some time now. Though mostly shared to educate the red team community, threat actors have also taken interest and lifted code from these projects. Using a public project that has been actively leveraged by attackers as an example, the original code includes the following capabilities:
**Command**| **Implementation**
_cmd_| Run command via _cmd.exe /c_
_powershell_| Run powershell via _RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace()_
_shellcode_| Inject supplied shellcode into _userinit.exe_
In this case, the in-the-wild variants change the cookie names, keeping the rest of the code intact:
![Comparison of public GitHub project’s code (left) to the attacker’s modified code (right)](×463.png)_Figure 19. Side to side comparison of code from an open-source project (left) and code used by attackers (right)_
On supplying a _whoami_ command to the backdoor, the generated cookie has the following format:
_Cookie: BDUSS=P6zUsk/1xJyW4PPufWsx5w==_
The backdoor responds with an AES encrypted blob wrapped in base64. The decoded output has the following format:
![Server’s decoded response](×102.png)_Figure 20. Decoded response from the server_
### IIS handlers
As mentioned earlier, IIS handlers have the same visibility as modules into the request pipeline. Handlers can be configured to respond to certain extensions or requests. To create a managed IIS handler, the code must implement the _IHttpHandler_ interface. The _IHttpHandler_ interface has one method and one property with the following signatures:
![IIS handler skeleton](×195.png)_Figure 21. IIS handler skeleton_
Handlers can be registered by directly editing the _web.config_ file or using the _appcmd_ utility. The handler config takes a few important fields like _path_, which specifies the URL or extensions the handler should respond to, and _verb_, which specifies the HTTP request type. In the example below, the handler only responds to image requests ending with a .gif extension:
![Attacker’s malicious entry](×114.png)_Figure 22. Malicious web.config entry_
The handler is visible in the IIS manager application once successfully installed:
![Installed handler visible in IIS manager app](×377.png)_Figure 23. Installed handler visible in the list_
Most of the handlers analyzed were relatively simple, only including the capability to run commands:
![Commands running via cmd.exe](×333.png)_Figure 24. IIS handler running commands via cmd.exe_
Interestingly, the response _Content-Type_ is set to _image/gif_ or _image/jpeg_, which presents a default image when browsing the image URL with the output hidden in _<pre>_ tags. A possible reason for this could be to bypass network inspection since image files are generally considered non-malicious and are filtered and identified based on extensions.
### Credential stealers
This subset of modules monitors sign-in patterns in outgoing requests and dumps extracted credentials in an encrypted format. The stolen credentials allow the attackers to remain persistent in the environment, even if the primary backdoor is detected.
The modules monitor for specific requests to determine a sign-in activity, such as /_auth.owa_ default URL for OWA application. On inspecting the request, the module dumps the credentials in a _.dat_ file. The contents are encrypted using XOR with a hardcoded value and wrapped with base64 encoding. The below image depicts a decoded sample output:
![Decrypted entry sample](×81.png)_Figure 25. Sample decrypted entry _ ![Backdoor code ](×339.png)_Figure 26. Backdoor looking for OWA sign-in URL_
In another variant, the module looks for common placeholder variables for passing credentials used in different ASP.Net applications. The dumped credentials are AES encrypted and wrapped with Base64 encoding, located in _%programdata%log.txt._
![Backdoor code ](×236.png)_Figure 27. Backdoor looking for common credential placeholder variables_ ![Decrypted entry sample](×77.png)_Figure 28. Sample decrypted entry_
## Improving defenses against server compromise
As we expect to observe more attacks using IIS backdoors, organizations must ensure to follow security practices to help defend their servers.
### Apply the latest security updates
Identify and remediate vulnerabilities or misconfigurations impacting servers. Deploy the latest security updates, especially for server components like Exchange as soon as they become available. Use [Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management]() to audit these servers regularly for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and suspicious activity.
### Keep antivirus and other protections enabled
Its critical to protect servers with [Windows antivirus software]() and other security solutions like firewall protection and MFA. [Turn on cloud-delivered protection]() and automatic sample submission in [Microsoft Defender Antivirus]() to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to quickly identify and stop new and unknown threats. Use [attack surface reduction rules]() to automatically block behaviors like credential theft and suspicious use of PsExec and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Turn on [tamper protection]() features to prevent attackers from stopping security services.
If you are worried that these security controls will affect performance or disrupt operations, engage with IT professionals to help determine the true impact of these settings. Security teams and IT professionals should collaborate on applying mitigations and appropriate [settings]().
### Review sensitive roles and groups
Review highly privileged groups like Administrators, Remote Desktop Users, and Enterprise Admins. Attackers add accounts to these groups to gain foothold on a server. Regularly review these groups for suspicious additions or removal. To identify Exchange-specific anomalies, review the list of users in sensitive roles such as _mailbox import export_ and _Organization Management_ using the [Get-ManagementRoleAssignment ]()cmdlet in Exchange PowerShell.
### Restrict access
Practice the principle of least-privilege and maintain good credential hygiene. Avoid the use of domain-wide, admin-level service accounts. Enforce [strong randomized, just-in-time local administrator passwords]() and enable MFA. Use tools like [Microsoft Defender for Identitys]() [Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)]().
Place access control list restrictions on virtual directories in IIS. Also, [remove the presence of on-premises Exchange servers]() when only used for recipient management in Exchange Hybrid environments.
### Prioritize alerts
The distinctive patterns of server compromise aid in detecting malicious behaviors and inform security operations teams to quickly respond to the initial stages of compromise. Pay attention to and immediately investigate alerts indicating suspicious activities on servers. Catching attacks in the exploratory phase, the period in which attackers spend several days exploring the environment after gaining access, is key. Prioritize alerts related to processes such as _net.exe_, _cmd.exe_ originating from _w3wp.exe_ in general.
### Inspect config file and bin folder
Regularly inspect [web.config]() of your target application and [ApplicationHost.config]() to identify any suspicious additions, such as a handler for image fileswhich is suspicious itself, if not outright malicious. Also, regularly scan installed paths like the applications _bin_ directory and default GAC location. Regularly inspecting the list of installed modules using the _appcmd.exe_ or _gacutil.exe_ utilities is also advisable.
_**Hardik Suri**
Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team_
## Appendix
Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects these threats and related behaviors as the following malware:
* Backdoor:MSIL/SuspIISModule.G!gen
* Backdoor:MSIL/SuspIISModule.H!gen
* Backdoor:MSIL/SuspIISModule.K!gen
* Backdoor:MSIL/OWAStealer.B
* Backdoor:MSIL/OWAStealer.C
* Behavior:Win32/SuspGacInstall.B
### Endpoint detection and response (EDR)
* Suspicious IIS AppCmd Usage
### Hunting queries
To locate malicious activity related to suspicious IIS module registration, run the following queries:
#### **Suspicious IIS module registration**
| where ProcessCommandLine has appcmd.exe add module
| where InitiatingProcessParentFileName == w3wp.exe
| where InitiatingProcessFileName == powershell.exe
|where ProcessCommandLine has system.enterpriseservices.internal.publish
| where InitiatingProcessParentFileName == w3wp.exe
|where ProcessCommandLine has \gacutil.exe /I
| where InitiatingProcessParentFileName == w3wp.exe
## Indicators of compromise (IOCs)
**File name**| **SHA-256**
HttpCompress.dll | 4446f5fce13dd376ebcad8a78f057c0662880fdff7fe2b51706cb5a2253aa569
HttpSessionModule.dll | 1d5681ff4e2bc0134981e1c62ce70506eb0b6619c27ae384552fe3bdc904205c
RewriterHttpModule.dll| c5c39dd5c3c3253fffdd8fee796be3a9361f4bfa1e0341f021fba3dafcab9739
HttpUtilities.dll| d820059577dde23e99d11056265e0abf626db9937fc56afde9b75223bf309eb0
HttpManageMoudle.dll| 95721eedcf165cd74607f8a339d395b1234ff930408a46c37fa7822ddddceb80
IIS_backdoor.dll| e352ebd81a0d50da9b7148cf14897d66fd894e88eda53e897baa77b3cc21bd8a
FinanceSvcModel.dll| 5da41d312f1b4068afabb87e40ad6de211fa59513deb4b94148c0abde5ee3bd5
App_Web_system_web.ashx.dll| 290f8c0ce754078e27be3ed2ee6eff95c4e10b71690e25bbcf452481a4e09b9d
App_Web_error.ashx.dll| 2996064437621bfecd159a3f71166e8c6468225e1c0189238068118deeabaa3d
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