This Week in Spring – April 12th, 2022 (Devnexus 2022 Edition!!)

## This Week in Spring – Devnexus Edition

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _This Week in Spring_ – I’m at my first in-person event since the virus: Devnexus! WOOHOOO!! Well, technically I’m still in San Francisco as I write this, but I’ll be in Atlanta, GA tomorrow for… Devnexus! I hope if you’re there that you’ll reach out!

Friends, colleagues, and community members from the Spring, Tanzu, and adjoining communities will also be there! Here are some of the people I hope to nab a selfie with and whose talks I hope to see!

* [Glenn Renfro]()
* [Adib Saikali]()
* [Joe Grandja]()
* [Whitney Lee]()
* [Hillmer Chona]()
* [Jonatan Ivanov]()
* [Josh Cummings]()
* [Alberto C. Rios]()
* [Simon Brown]()

And of course [I’ll be doing two talks, as well,]() (one on GraalVm and another on edge services) and I hope you’ll come see those, too!

And with that out of the way, let’s get on with our regularly scheduled roundup!

* [A Bootiful Podcast: GraphQL Java founder Andi Marek]()
* [Asir V Selvasingh on Twitter]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes Removals and Deprecations In 1.24]()
* Congrats to the Hibernate team [for reaching Hibernate 6.0]()
* [SivaLabs has a nice post called, “My attempt to understand why people perceive Java as complex.” ]() What do you think?
* [Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.9.4 Released]()
* [ Spring Cloud Azure 4.0 integrations are generally available. ]() Congrats to the teams at Microsoft and the community on such an epic release!Read More

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