I’m a guy who has been in the fandom for years, and I’ve seen a lot of shit.

This is my attempt to help people avoid some of that shit. I'll be honest with you: this isn't going to be an easy read. It's not meant to be; it's meant to give you information that will make your l ...

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I’m a fan of the new look and feel, but I think it could be improved.

The New Look & Feel I like the new look and feel. It’s clean, simple, and easy to read. The colors are bright without being too loud or distracting (although some people may disagree). And there ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google.

I work on the Chrome team, where I help make web apps run faster and more securely. I graduated from UC Berkeley in 2011 with a degree in Computer Science. During my time there, I worked as an intern ...

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OAuth 2 is a protocol that enables third-party applications to be able to talk to an HTTP service.

There are four basic roles in OAuth 2 that need to be understood: the resource owner, the client, the authorization server and the resource server. The authorization server issues access tokens which ...

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I’m a huge fan of the new Google Pixel 2 XL, but I think you should wait for reviews to come out before buying one.

I have been using the Pixel 2 XL since it launched on October 4th and I am really enjoying it so far. The screen is gorgeous, battery life has been great (it lasts me all day), and performance is snap ...

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If you want to use the new features in C# 6.

0, then you need Visual Studio 2015. If you don’t want to use them, then stick with VS 2013 and everything will be fine https://t.co/aVMakMkm9d ...

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The new version of the app is now available in the App Store.

It’s free, so go get it https://t.co/pMR2vVlywQ ...

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I have a lot of things to do.

I’m not going to be able to finish this project in the time frame that I had originally planned. As such, I am canceling my Kickstarter campaign and will relaunch it at a later date when I can give y ...

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