API Security is a new approach to securing APIs that focuses on the API traffic itself, instead of just protecting the backend servers.

"The most common attack vector against web applications is through their APIs." - OWASP Top 10 2017 In this era of digital transformation and cloud computing, exposing your company's data via an API h ...

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The API security threat is growing at an alarming rate, and the industry-leading research from Salt shows that organizations are struggling to keep up.

The good news is that there are a number of steps organizations can take to bolster their API security posture. Download our free report for more details on how you can get started today https://t.co/ ...

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I’m a big fan of the new D&D.

I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons since I was in elementary school, starting with 2nd Edition (the red box) and moving on to 3rd edition when it came out. I played 4th Edition for a while but di ...

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If you are a small business owner, or someone who is considering starting a small business, I highly recommend reading this book.

If you’re interested in purchasing the book, click here to buy it on Amazon https://t.co/8SvE5bNF0b ...

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I’m a big fan of the new look, and I think it will be a great improvement for both users and developers.

What do you think https://t.co/fiPlTf74oI ...

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I’m a software engineer at Google, working on the Chrome team.

I also do open source work as part of the WebAssembly community. I have previously worked at Mozilla and Microsoft on Firefox and Edge respectively. My name is Luke Wagner, but you can call me lukewg ...

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The best way to get a job is by being the most qualified candidate.

The second best way is by having a friend in high places who can pull some strings for you https://t.co/WkWSHZCpQs ...

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The world is a dangerous place.

It's not always easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Sometimes, it's hard to tell who you should be rooting for. And sometimes, you have no choice but to pick a side and hope for the best htt ...

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