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Apache httpd — Multiple vulnerabilities

The Apache httpd project reports: DoS by Null pointer in websocket over HTTP/2 (CVE-2024-36387) (Low). Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading performance. Proxy encoding problem (CVE-2024-38473) (Moderate). Encoding problem in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows request URLs with incorrect encoding to be sent to backend services, potentially bypassing authentication via crafted requests. Weakness with encoded question marks in backreferences (CVE-2024-38474) (Important). Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in directories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI. Weakness in mod_rewrite when first segment of substitution matches filesystem path (CVE-2024-38475) (Important). Improper escaping of output in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to map URLs to filesystem locations that are permitted to be served by the server but are not intentionally/directly reachable by any URL, resulting in code execution or source code disclosure. Substitutions in server context that use a backreferences or…Read More

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