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olcne security update

[1.8.1-2] – Cleanup spec file [1.8.1-1] – Fix OLM upgrade failure – upgrade from 0.17.0 to 0.23.1 failed due to a couple of crds missing – Add hostpathRequiresPrivilged value to rook template cr to be passed to module operator – Fixed Istio-1.18 and Istio-1.19 installation on aarch64 architecture – Fixed unable to deploy new module(s) using config file containing already existing modules – Corrected olcne repo version in the prompt text of the 'olcnectl provision' command – Update modules and components built with golang 1.20.12 to address CVE-2023-39326 – add conmon resource to kubernetes module – Fix OLM upgrade failure – same version upgrade failure – Migrate ModuleOperator from verrazzano-install to ocne-modules namespace – Fix multiple install during…Read More

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