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Identify and De-risk Unmanaged, Unauthorized Devices With Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM)

69% of organizations said they experienced at least one cyberattack resulting from an exploit of an unknown or unmanaged asset such as software, cloud-based workloads user accounts, and IoT devices. Ultimately, these attacks stem from visibility gaps in the attack surface. Bringing these assets under management requires flexible discovery methods, including active and passive scans, security agents, API-based discovery, and now—Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management’s innovative new internal attack surface capability. CSAM is strengthening internal attack surface coverage by leveraging the already-deployed Qualys Agent to continuously monitor your network to identify unmanaged and unauthorized devices in real time. This passive discovery method is built into the powerful Cloud Agent and, combined with remote scans, external attack surface discovery, and third-party connectors, allows customers to build a comprehensive asset inventory, calculate the TruRisk of every asset, and eliminate risk based on business impact. Why is This Important? Some CAASM (Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management) solutions rely solely on API-based integrations to inventory the attack surface. This method is incomplete, relying on data from various point solutions. It also leaves an organization exposed to a specific blind spot: devices and rogue assets connecting to the internal network in real time. Qualys combines our active scanning and passive discovery with integrations so you see all assets…Read More

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