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Any authenticated user may obtain private message details from other users on the same instance

Summary Users can report private messages, even when they're neither sender nor recipient of the message. The API response to creating a private message report contains the private message itself, which means any user can just iterate over message ids to (loudly) obtain all private messages of an instance. A user with instance admin privileges can also abuse this if the private message is removed from the response, as they're able to see the resulting reports. Details Creating a private message report by POSTing to /api/v3/private_message/report does not validate whether the reporter is the recipient of the message. At least lemmy-ui does not allow the sender to report the message; the API method should likely be restricted to accessible to recipients only. The API response when creating a report contains the private_message_report_view with all the details of the report, including the private message that has been reported: Example response In the report below, the creator with id 3 is different from the private message creator (id 2) and private message recipient (id 6). “`json { "private_message_report_view": { "private_message_report": { "id": 14, "creator_id": 3, "private_message_id": 7, "original_pm_text": "testfoo", "reason": "reporting id 7", "resolved": false, "published": "2023-12-15T19:23:03.441967Z" }, "private_message": { "id": 7, "creator_id": 2, "recipient_id": 6, "content":…Read More

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