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Securing our home labs: Home Assistant code review

Introduction In July, the GitHub Security Lab team conducted a collaborative review of one of our favorite software pieces. While it's not uncommon for our Security Lab researchers to work together on audits and research projects, we found that conducting team audits occasionally provides a valuable opportunity for team members to learn from each other and expand the scope of the review beyond what could be accomplished individually or in pairs. You can read about other team audits we have done, such as the one for Datahub. Each team member can suggest different targets, and every few months we vote on which project to audit and dedicate a week to review the target project as a team. This time, the decision was easy as most of the team chose to review the Home Assistant smart-home platform. The reasons for this choice are twofold: it is the most popular open source smart home platform but also used by some of our team members and many Hubbers, so it will help secure our own homes. It was a win-win situation! 😉 Securing the supply chain by securing our developer's home labs Developer systems are like the keys to a kingdom. They store all the credentials needed to access a company's internal network and production systems. If a developer's private key is leaked, an attacker can gain access to the corporate networks. Even small things like environment variables can be valuable. This includes passwords for proxy servers, tokens for pipelines, and more–all things that should…Read More

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