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Monero: DoS for remote nodes using Slow Loris attack


Using the slow loris attack it’s possible to make the the daemon unresponsive to all RPC requests without at least a restart.


I used this node.js application ( to perform the attack on one of my remote nodes, but any other implementation of the attack should also work fine.

## Releases Affected:

* Ubuntu 16.04 x64 – Monero v0.12.3.0 was affected so all releases before should be affected as well.

## Steps To Reproduce:

1. Start the daemon with standard remote node parameters like `./monerod –rpc-bind-ip –confirm-external-bind`
2. Start the slow loris attack, I tested with 1000 sockets opened and 700 milliseconds as rate at which
packets should be sent.
3. Try sending a normal RPC command like `curl -X POST https://IP:18089/json_rpc -d ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0″,”id”:”0″,”method”:”get_block_count”}’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’` there will not be any response from the RPC a few seconds after the attack was started.

## Impact

An attacker could target a large number of remote nodes for example the ones under, with just a single PC.Read More

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