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This Week in Spring – January 9th, 2023

Hi, Spring fans! As I write this I’m on a plane winging my way to Helsinki, Finland. A new year and new journeys begin. It’s going to be cold there. Wish me luck! Do you know what always warms me up? The thrill of learning. And this week’s no different. This week we’ve got some good stuff line up so let’s get right into it!

I’m starting to put out easy-to-remember visual cards introducing a blink-and-you-‘ll-miss-it aspect of awesomeness in the Spring ecosystem as part of my [“Spring Tips” (@springtipslive)]() series. So now you’ll be notified of not only new videos but might get some useful information directly in the tweets themselves, too.

* The first one [looks at the Spring AOT support]()
* this one looks at [the Spring Java Formatter plugin]()
* this one looks at using PostgreSQL as [a message queue with Spring Integration]()
* our pal Maciej has a new CLI called `just` which endeavors to make life easier for Spring Boot developers. [InfoQ has a nice writeup; check it out!]()
* Amigoscode has a nice video introducing [Spring Boot 3 and Spring Security 6 for JWT authentication and authorization](). Check it out!
* The In28Minutes channel has an introduction [to versioning a Spring Boot REST API, too]()
* [A Bootiful Podcast: Spring legend Ramnivas Laddad]()
* [Difference Between JPA and Spring Data JPA]()
* [Encoding of URI Variables on RestTemplate]()
* [Spring Tools 4.17.1 released]()
* The Java Techie channel has a video [looking at how to do dynamic file upload using Spring Batch]()Read More

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